Archive for the ‘Shaman’ Tag

Messenger   17 comments

Ok, so I am a messenger, now I really know. But things have advanced for me over the last few days, in a way I could never see. I once wrote about a council of Faiths, it can be found here. On this I was very wrong, due to the message and Guidance Which Mother Danu gave to me yesterday.

A few days ago I saw a Duck which I had never seen before, and I wondered what it was, I am still not sure but I did ask for Guidance to add more Water/West into my life. Anyhow, I went online to find out about this Duck, (the wonders of the modern age). I found something similar, but it was not my Duck, it was the Ruddy Duck, been in the UK since the ‘40’s. I was on the RSPB website, and found that they are supporting the extermination of all Ruddy Ducks in the UK, because, get this right, The White Headed Duck is /was on the endangered list because of man. Now the 2 Ducks are very alike, and do mate in Spain.

In both Turkey and Pakistan the Duck has been made extinct because of the actions of Man, and in Spain, it was down to a few, but due to conservation numbers have risen to over 1000. So why kill the Ducks in the UK when others are not killing the ducks in Spain. France, Italy etc. What are the chances that any Ruddy Duck from the UK is mating with the Duck from Spain. And so what if they do. A new breed of Duck but with the same genes as the others, no different to my Daughter Jinkx, Part White, Part Caribbean.

So the Government is Killing because it can, again. Anyway, this lead me to another site where was listed a whole host of Culls taking place in the UK, Set up by the Blair Government and carried on my This Government. On the hit list are ALL Raptors, (Eagles, Kites, Buzzard, Kestrel etc), for eating the farmed game birds like Pheasant chicks. So because the Blood Sport Gun Clubs are losing out, let us kill All of these great Birds. Corvine (the Crow Family). Now this really pissed me off, Morrigan, the Dark Queen uses these as Her Messengers and spies. No proper reason was given to this. Grey Seals, of which 90% of the entire population is situated around the UK, reason, they eat fish. Sad but true, and they get caught in nets and then the fishermen can butcher the seal. But the Fishermen and thus the Government want to wipe out the entire population. Weasels and stoats, why because they eat the chicks of the game birds. Foxes for the same reason. Rabbits and Moles, for, get this, this is such a crime, digging holes in gardens and golf courses. Humbugs, we know about, because Farmers can not be bothered to vaccinate their herd. Hedgehogs, for no real reason apart from they do disturb the immaculate lawns of the money folk, who give the Governments “Donations”.

A link to the culls is here and the booklet is here. I am in no way associated in any way with this organisation nor with the RSPB, but I found the information disturbing to say the least.

Not if you think, not on my land you will not, think again. The Current Government is introducing new laws to allow their Jackbooted Hit Men to storm into your house and onto your land to murder any animal they deem fit. They are going to pass this law, so even if you have ½ acre or 50 acre of land, the hitmen will be allowed to murder on your land what they want. Truly we are a nation of Animal Lovers.

Anyway, I asked for guidance on what to do about this, and after coming back from Jinkx’s home yesterday after seeing her and giving her some Healing because of a really bad cold, almost Flu. Danu spoke to me. I know it was Her, I have felt Her before, Warm, soft, Comforting, Genteel and Loving, everything that I always thought a Mother should be. She spoke to me, but not in the Same way that my Dark Queen talks to me, no questions and Fact. It was just there, streaming into my mind. The Work that She needs me to do now, to change the World. What this is I will not say at this time, all I will say about it is that the Winds are picking up, and all of the Worlds faiths will be involved and in a really good way. One Voice.

The international Community is already talking about setting up a Council of Faiths within the UN, so once again I am playing catch up. Promoting Women’s Rights, Tolerance towards ALL Faiths, and the Mutual Respect to the Divine. Bring it on, I say. This will only make the World a much better place.

Changes   4 comments

First I am sorry for not being on here for a few days, but I find it necessary to change the way I talk to people on here, because I have caused grave offence to one on here and came across as trying to force her to follow my way. It was suggested that some who do not understand or know me that well may read it differently to how it was meant, and this caused the offence.

Morrigan, My Dark Queen told me to come on here in the first place, and I have been writing on my Pages the whole of my Path that it is now. I will reiterate once again here and now. I am Shaman, I Work alone, for the most part. I have no Sect, Branch, Temple, Order, Grove, or Coven. I am alone in my Path, Out of 7 billion people on this world, My Path is unique, Only I follow My Gods and the Spirits How I do. I do not need nor want people following me on my Path, because it is MY Path, not theirs, Go find your own way. Take from me what you will, leave what you do not need, learn all you can from everyone.

I am still learning from people like ElfKat and Gypsy Lizardkilt and others, but I am very interested in learning from all, finding out about their Path and or Faith. Then I can talk with understanding to them, offer advice and gain advice from them, to give and receive help from them. I am not after Changing the World to my world, I am not Wicca, Druid, Christian. It is not my way to demand others to follow my lead. I will offer advice and my knowledge to almost anyone. What they do is their business after that. I do not care who you Pray to, Jesus, Satan or the Tooth Fairy or even Captain Jack Sparrow, or all four. It makes no difference to me but I like to understand so I can talk. I have sent people to others on here because I felt that those people would be better able to help more than I can. But I still talk to those has I may still be of some use.

Point in case, Jinkx, my 25 year old step-daughter, asked me many years ago to teach her, I would not. Years later she worshipped Gaia, Mother Earth, and did so for many years, with me giving her advice as needed. A Little while ago The Dark Queen Calieach (Spelling) who I found out was another aspect of Morrigan Called her and is working with her. Again I gave advice and guidance including how to do spells and prayers, Jinkx took my advice and changed it to suit her, and it works for her, thus her way. Jinkx is not Shaman, that would be wrong for her at this time, and when talking about the Gods we both use Mother and Dark Queen has reference points, just so we know who we are talking about. If I was Powermad, I would have melded Jinkx to my way of doing things, which would suit her ill, I told her how I do things and offer suggestions, has a Teacher should, but it has to be her choices, her way.

Point in case 2 Hil, my wife, Worships Thor, Calypso, Ganesh, Also a general Aspect of Mother Earth. Her choice. She does things when she wants to, who she wants to. If she asks my advice, I give it, simple as that. ‘tis her way, not mine. She was praying to Thor and Ganesh a long time before I turned up, but Calypso only after she saw Jack Sparrow, she thought that She would be a great Sea and Storm Goddess to worship, being half Caribbean herself.

This is my blog, if you do not like it then read someone else’s, simple. For the most part I write on others post what I think, for the most part, sometimes I am on automatic, Guidance methinks, but it needed saying so I said it. I always read a post through twice, just so that I understand what has been written, unless I know that person as well as I can do on here. Sometimes I can be blunt but I try to be correct about it, never abusive, that is just poor manners to my mind. If I do not understand then I ask until I do understand. But only if I get answers to the questions I have asked.

Sometimes I will write She or He or The Gods or Them. The capital is me showing the upmost respect to the one I am talking about. Morrigan is my Dark Queen of Death, War and Prophesy. But if Someone else has their own Dark Queen version then I will use my version has a point of reference. Same as with Danu, my Creator Mother Earth, Gaia is another example but I will use Mother Creator or just Mother has the point of reference. I am giving full Honour and respect to whatever aspect or Name that you use when I do this.

THIS IS JUST MY WAY. Until I really know your God how you believe in them I do this. Also I have been corrected a few times on here and elsewhere when I say Gods or God, I have been corrected by being told “Goddess actually”. I know, I am well aware of that, with thanks.

Has habit I do point out to others that they do have a choice, which only they can make if they are unhappy within their path, which they can make with Guidance from above. There are 2 choices, Go it alone or group. A Witch is a Witch whether they be alone or in a coven.

So on my blog I will write how the fuck I want to, again, if you do not like it, go elsewhere. But from now onwards when I reply on a post I will read through twice still but I will not let others influence what I am typing. And instead of She, He, God/ess or a Name or Aspect I will use the term “All that are Holy” or something very similar, Unless I know you and yours as well as I can without believing in them. Both of these may cut down on my reply but if it will stop anymore people from getting grave offence from me, this is what I will do. I am already second guessing what I want to write, so I do not write at all, just in-case it causes offence to them, or it comes across as me trying to convert the world. Bare with me, I will get there in the end.

Midnight, after a day’s thinking and asking for Guidance from Them then She told me by showing me a little of the vision, almost dropped the cigarette I was smoking. By all accounts Morrigan told me about this, (see Loss below – regarding my vision) and it seems that GL’s guidance regarding the vision was spot on again. Thank you again GL, and my thanks to Kuan Yin has well. There you go, still learning, and the Gods have not finished with me yet, maybe a little Fire to lose will not be a bad thing for me. Stop being so forthright and bloody-minded. Stubborn old Goat I am.

Give you a vision/dream, piss someone off to help you learn the lesson, remind you of the vision, Ah, now realisation dawns on you, still learning, I have not finished with you yet. There is still work to be done, I am around, always. Remember that. You are not going anywhere yet.

So another day thinking all this over. Having had the Guidance last night and now knowing what They are doing with me, do I change has I outlined above, or do I keep on doing what I am doing, at the risk of pissing off others by coming across as trying to convert everyone to my Path.

But I do feel that a little South Energy could be cut, but it is who I am, my life has made me this way, moulded me this way, so we shall see. Also depends on what Morrigan has in store for me in the near future. Still the Rookie. But I got rid of most of my hate and anger before I came on here, there was nothing I could have done at that time, it happened, move on. I have done that, so now what?
Horses to water
You can lead a horse to water but you can not make it drink, so? And?

But if I change drastically will I piss of the Gods, not that I have not already done that in the past. But now our Working and relationship is different, more even, in their favour methinks. I can say no, but now I understand that sometimes what they have to say may have a very important message to someone, and maybe not the one I am speaking to, but someone who reads what was written. But is that an excuse I could use, am I just trying to validate my way to bully others?

To be honest I have been Working with my Dark Queen since I was 24, I am now 43 ½, so almost 20 years. I was working with her energy before I really understood Her Energy, I was a bad boy, but justified none the less, and apart from Mother Danu, all the others only since the last few years.

Different names same aspect
So the same basic Energy, however we call you then?
So why not just talk to them yourself, has you do with me?
That is no answer, they do not like it.
So you are just using me.
Morrigan is right, still the rookie, still learning. Smiling to myself here, bloody fool I am. This is why Kaskai my Mother Cougar came to me all that time ago, that is why I called myself Shaman and not Druid or Bard or Warrior or Priest. I am a messenger, nothing more or less, not a warrior, leader, or follower. Cougar channels messages from the divine to the mortal, And Shaman does much the same, telling the tribe messages from the Spirit world. So understanding does dawn with a major headache from Her, thank you.

Sometimes the messenger is attacked, thus he needs to fight. And sometimes the messenger is shot, as in the old saying, “don’t shoot the messenger” which is what happened to start all this, so has the lesson been learned by me? Hell yes, well and truly. So what do I do now, keep things the same for the most part, just be more thoughtful to others has I write. They may not understand me as others do. And dodge the arrows and bullets, chuckling to myself here again.

No you teach and guide
But is that just…
Being Shaman

Loss   9 comments

How to define without coming across as a whiny whinge moron.

Do not know so to hell with it and I will do it anyway.

So my lesson which I have to learn is Loss, which most people suffer from at some time in their life, so why this? I do not know. How much is enough, and how can you write or explain how it felt 30 years ago, or even 2 weeks, so someone else can understand, not sympathise, but just understand. Tricky, but I would not be trying if it were not important.

First thing first, how do I know it is Loss I need to learn? Because over the last couple of days I have been told this direct into the brain, not a suggestion, but as Fact. The “other” way The Gods talk to me, rather than through dream/visions, of which I had the confirming one this morning just before I woke up. But I will come to that in a bit.

But over the last few days I have been thinking about what have I lost, important things, over the years. And some of these I have not thought about for years. Memories have been stirred, and in the past I have thought about and accepted, so the Pain has been dealt with.

So going back, way back, when I was 3ish being put in care in East London because mother Rita could not cope with 3 small kids between 1 and 5 after him leaving her. I have remembered snapshots of me running away from care back to mother in tears and her sending me back into care. How the hell I found Rita I know not, but I was probably guided to her by Andi and my Gods, even back then.

Fast forward a few years to 6 and my only friend in school was Samantha Wild, She was the only one to play with me, but then her family moved to Scotland. I lost my only friend in the world. I still think about her now and again.

Age 7. I was told, no forbidden, to phone Rita ever again, only because she told him that I was not his. From that day I lost my pride, self-respect, self-confidence, and then the shit really hit the fan at home. Including self-destruction, well I tried anyway.

Whiz forward, see the years fly by to when I was 16, found the Voice, the first Woman I ever Loved, but not in love with. My Angel.

17 Started to lose mobility, sleep and ability due to the disease which is raping every joint in my body, from my neck down to my toes. The older I get, the less movement from my joints and the more pain. DNA, I was made this way.

21 Angel disappeared from public view, I was crushed, despite many letters sent to Her, asking to work with Her, all were sent back RTS.

24 Lost my father and everything I thought I knew about me when he told me I was a bastard, “no son of mine”. Including my place within the “Family home” Guilt, Rage, Pain, Anger, but most of all Loss.

24/5 Lost my nephew aged about 7. No age to die, even though I bargained with Morrigan, my Dark Queen, I still remained and She took him.

28 Lost my freedom, although I knew it not then, but I know it now. Also I further lost any self-respect or pride over the years. It is just that I did not see it until it was way too late. Also lost my only two goods friends, due to situations beyond my control.

30 Angel came back into public view

31/2 Angel went from public view, again. Once again my loss.

33ish Finally lost my mind to depression, about 8 years in a wasteland, living on auto pilot not giving a shit about anything, least of all myself. Just doing to keep the family fed and clothed and amused.

40ish Angel on FB, me on FB, me told Angel how I felt, me left FB

41 Angel left FB

41 Lost my ability to leave due to conscience.

Sept last year, got Greebo, 6 week old black tabby tom kitten, which we were told was female and black

2 weeks ago, Greebo went out for the loo, and as not come back, with no sight nor sound of Him in this entire estate. That ripped the guts out of me. I have been in tears about that.

Even more so over the last 5 years or so, eyes are getting worse, short term memory is getting worse, and spelling is really getting worse. Even Long term is going a bit, songs which I have known and sang along to for years I can not remember the words. Also lost the ability to play guitar and I have not been able to meditate for more that 20 minutes for so long. And my ability to visualise has also gone to the wall.

Thursday last, I asked why must I keep losing out, why am I a loser. I was told To Learn.

This Morning (Saturday) (dream/vision) I was wearing my Studded Leather Jacket. Some kid standing behind me near a group of others I turned around, away, he jumped onto my back. I flipped my shoulders and he fell onto the floor, face first. I was kicking at his face, pulled his head back and slammed it again and again into the floor, (which is NOT how I do things, I wait for them to get up and then knock them down again, when they do not get up, I walk away. I Have Rules). By rights not even his dentist would have been able to identify him after what I did to his face. Yet not one drop of blood anywhere. I then bodily picked him up. One hand on his collar the other on his seat, raised him above my head and threw him head first onto the ground. In reality I have a fucked back and a very fucked hand. I might be able to pick up a cat, but not a person.

First reaction upon waking was Gods I am going to lose it in a fight, but then clarification came through, direct into my brain. Where Bloodless fighting, no-one dies, where? Everisle, the Land of Eternal Youth. Warrior skills and feats and tests, but no blood and no-one dies. The Home of the Gods and my Ancestors.

So have I learned my lesson? I think so, they think maybe. I will die and pass onwards with my Dark Queen to Everisle, where I will be whole and welcomed.

But it appears that I can not go just yet. But I really do not care anymore, I am going and passing over to there somewhen. It will happen, so what is a few years more. Why can I not go yet? I still have a job to do, which is look after Hilary, regardless of my ability, I have to look after her. For if I go then Jinkx will have to look after her Mother, and that will not be fair on the Kid. It is hard enough for me, let alone someone else having to do it. So I wait for Hil to pass over, wherever She decides to go to upon her death, then I will pass onwards and be judged worthy of my Gods and Ancestors.


Nettle and Ginger Update   4 comments

Now I know that you have all been waiting with baited breath for this, (ohh, be still my beating heart) and now here it is, (drum Roll please).


It works, yes it surprised the hell out of me to, because there is something I neglected to mention at the start. I did it with the same devolution as most people will use, none. No asking the plants, no asking Airmid, Goddess of Herbs, Brid, Goddess of the Land or Danu, Mother Creator. But it is not that strong, it takes away the pain, for the most part, and it works well with my Rosemary Oil, which I made, but the swelling has not gone down much. So not much AI, but not bad AG.


And for you money makers who were following the original post, If you try to patent it, I will be very, very , very angry with you. If you want to make it to sell, go for it, but if it is too expensive, the poor will not be able to buy it, so you can make a small donation to WSPA, WWF, Cat Protection, et. Al., keep the cost down and the poor can buy it, then well done to you. I may not be watching, but your Kai will be.


I will, of course be making a big batch, but doing it properly with full reverence to all. And then mix it with my Rosemary oil as a one hit oil.

Another Animal Hunt   5 comments


This time it is the oak processionary caterpillar, which is covered in tiny hairs and cause breathing problems in humans and animals. They were brought to this country several years ago from Europe when the Government decided to import Oak from Europe.


English Oak is all but gone, so import a foreign plant and see things get out of control, again. How many times will they do this bull before they learn?


But it is OK, because the chemical they will be using to cover the forests where these little buggers are living is not toxic to Humans and the Forestry Commission will monitor the Moths, bats, and butterfly  But what happens if it harms others? Too Late, the Damage will have been done.

Headology   2 comments

Chatting to ElfKat about coming out as a Pagan at work and it got me thinking. I remember twice when I shut up the piss takers and bullies.


Once when doing some filming on farmland while I was with the Re-enactment group. It was nighttime and we had a massive fire going, I was dressed as I usually was, only in trousers and hide boots. and just because there was some mutterings going on I sat down in front of the fire, while the rest of the group were spread around on logs or sitting on the grass, I sat so close to the fire I could have been spit roasted. My main reason was to dry my boots, which had got soaked. I had my Indian Dagger tucked into my belt. Anyhow, the mutterings got louder, so slowly I drew my dagger, flung my arms wide and looked up to the sky, looked down at the fire and poked it with my dagger. I started muttering in fake Irish/Welsh, which I used on the battlefield for the crowds. I saw a couple of the lads get up and go over to the trees, and come back, while the muttering was watching me transfixed. Any way I once again flung my hands wide and looked up to the sky, but when I poked the fire a massive tree branch moved violently and the Guy who had been talking about me summoning Deamons jumped about 3 feet into the air, from a sitting position. I just looked at the tree and gave a nasty smile towards the tree. Pocked again and again the tree moved, and so did he. We told him what was going on, but he did shut up after that.


An interesting aside to this was that the film company were, we felt, taking the piss, and a group of us who were not filming at that time were sitting on the ground leaning against a fence. I had a re-curve bow in my hands, pointing straight up. I pulled back as far as I could, then relaxed. For some reason I notched an arrow, pulled back only a few inched, still pointing up, and my hand slipped of the string. The arrow went skywards like a rocket. By rights it should have flopped at my feet. It still went up, and then came down, all in the space of seconds, and landed inches from the assistant for the director. straight down. Had it hit her, I would have been up on a murder charge, because at the speed it was going, it would have gone right through her.


The second thing was I got invited out with a few lads from work, just after moving in with Hilary. My best mate Chris, and two others from work. Anyway the other two were riding me all night, all the way though the film, and into the carpark afterwards. I just said back in a bit and I walked off a little. I once again did my hand raised bit a few times and said in a loud voice, that will learn them, too right it will. A few minutes later Chris pulled me aside and said “Dave, mate, look can you not do that again please, it’s shitting them up”

“No Worries mate, just doing what I had to do”

Never got baited from them again.

Nettle and Ginger Oil   8 comments

Well we finally got there Thanks to Brid and Airmid. I picked enough leaves to 1/2 fill a 400ml jar and then added a 4″ piece of ginger, which I cut into small pieces, and filled with Groundnut oil. Put it into the cupboard under the sink and I will shake it once every day for 28 days. Then it will be ready to use, and I will find out if nettles and ginger work as anti-inflammatory.

fermenting the oil

fermenting the oil

Goddess of Herbs and Witchcraft

Airmid, Goddess of Herbs and Witchcraft

Death   Leave a comment

Death comes to us all and in my Path Morrigan the Phantom Queen of Death and War will chose the slain and judge. But what happens to the body? Having done some research for my book I have found that there are three options. Interned in a grave or barrow with some grave goods, namely food, or burned in a pyre and then interned within a barrow or other sacred place. The third is reserved for those who deserve no better, those who have committed heinous crimes, and they are tied and placed facedown into a bog.

Now I have found little evidence of a Death Penalty imposed in general use, so these crimes must have been very serious indeed, and because things were not written down until after the Druid class was all but wiped out and then only after the Christians came and the Book of Kells was written.

To be fair, I have not had the opportunity to really study the Kells, not being able to read much Irish, and translating from old Irish to modern English is beyond my capabilities.

Was the different interns for different classes or different deaths, probably the former rather than the latter, with the higher classes and learned craftsmen being buried with grave goods while the peasants and slaves were burned, probably without grave goods.

This is only speculation on my part but I do not really think that it would make much difference to the outcome of the Kai’s journey onwards, either to the Underworld or the Otherworld. As to whether Morrigan would personally turn up for every Death, I do not think so, only those deemed important enough, and not just of status or standing. For She was the Queen of the Shee, and I am guessing that for the most part, it is they who would turn up, otherwise Morrigan would be very busy with a population of tens of thousands, a lot of people dying every day, maybe about 4-5 every hour or hundreds if there was a battle.

But now with maybe a few hundred who really believe throughout the world of over 7 billion, maybe She would turn up herself. But I have already decided what I am doing with my body, written elsewhere on here, but what is my Status with regards to my ancestors, and what should I do? In today’s society I am working class, (peasant), but I was a fair wordsmith and a not bad guitarist, so would my ancestors class me as a Bard? A Learned man. Also I was a quite good fighter with sword and spear so I would have been a solider or Guard had I been there then, and then was now. Also my Path is Shaman based, which I class myself as, so would I have been a Druid class? Druid, Guard (retired), Bard (retired), in one package, but peasant still.

No this is not a case of Ego! Just stating facts of what I have taught and been taught. And yet I still just class myself as working class, rather than a leader or some such. Regardless that I teach and have taught fighting skill to others, and my Path on here and face to face, namely to my daughter Jinkx over the last few years, since she decided who and what she worshiped and sort my advice. So am I going against my class by wanting to be burned on a pyre, or does it not really matter, just as long as I do die sometime. Gods but that would be a nightmare for me, left alive, unable to pass over.

But according to some, these Isles were drenched in the blood of human and animal sacrifices, and yet I have found no evidence to corroborate these claims. Granted these claims came from Christian and Roman sources, neither who had much good to say about my ancestors. The Wicker Man is one such version, and a culture who did not have a general Death Penalty and who revered all life would stuff animals still alive, plants and at least one human as a sacrifice to Brid, Goddess of the Land, to guarantee a good harvest. Yes I am biased, but how comes we would even think of doing that? And What became of the Kai of all of the victims, animal and vegetable? What a massive waste of food, when the right prayer and a small offering would, (and has) sufficed. If I did this then I would really despise myself for the rest of my life. Burned alive, what an evil thing to do, yes evil and wicked. And you would be judged as such by the Phantom Queen herself. Down to Labraid and returned to Earth to face your punishment.

But what is Labraid and the Underworld? Some has been covered with the Otherworld, Land of Eternal Youth etc. But I have found not much on the Underworld. A Christian Hell? I really do not think so, the whole culture of the Gods and the people does not point to something like this, and besides, more souls would pass through this way and back to Earth than onwards to the Otherworld.

So Fire and Brimstone, nope. Big Red scary horned demon God? Nope. Labraid has been depicted as a older man, more akin to the Christian God. A massive Hall where the Kai’s journey and lessons are given and eventually reborn back onto this world to learn their lesson and continual their journey, and maybe next time, onwards to the Otherworld. Not a place to fear, unlike most other Faiths, (but not the Chinese, who have a massive underworld, populated by hundreds of clerks and sending the soul onwards depending on the life and type of death they had).


Spring part 2   4 comments–hundreds-of-newborn-lambs-dying-butterflies-extinct-snow-ice-freeze-124810695.html#55a9rxL

For the last 6-8 years I have been doing Imboc every year, and we (here anyway) have had a warn or very warm March and April. And this year I did the same and we have snow and biting winds right across the Islands, and Europe. Now I do not know what the weather is normally like in Eastern Europe at this time of year, and if anyone can tell me that would be cool.

But why the sudden change? If Brib was pissed at me, I would know about it, but this is just far to widespread. Or the Earth could be going through a cycle of warm and cold years, last one like this was in 1963 I think.

What what is left, Global Warming, Iceage, or Human Intervention. And who would gain from the Human Intervention? A sad and sick person, or and this came to me last night, one of the big 6 Power Companies. Face it, with cold weather the heating stays on so we spend more money on Gas and the companies gain a bigger profit. But would they stoop so low as to effect the weather and put lives at stake for profit? Now I am not blaming any one Path, but I do not think that Wiccan’s would do this for profit, please correct me if I am wrong. Chaosist would not bother to do it, well I do not think they would. Again please correct me if you know otherwise. A Shaman might, if there was a good reason to do it, but I do not know any who would do it for profit, but I am going from personal views here.

So what to do, well a South working using the energy of the South may be necessary, just to save lives, and I do not like fucking around with the weather, because far too much can go wrong and it could end up even worse if I really get it wrong, but if it is just the planet doing it’s thing, then I will be wasting my time anyway.

Native Irish vs. Celtic   3 comments

No this is not an act of war or complaining about people doing things differently to me, I leave that shit to certain “Wicca” groups, (hello Richmond, New York).

A little history for you. Round about 10,000 years ago, a small tribe of wanderers were following the Ice receding Northwards, and came to a Land Bridge, (although if they knew it was land land Bridge, who knows) crossed over and for a while followed the coastline West, came to another Land Bridge at the edge of the Ice. These Nomads settled here as the Ice retreated North for a while, Basic Flint Mining, Fishing, Hunting (Wild Boar, Hare, Wild Fowl) and Foraging among the plants and finding seeds and berries and nuts.


Following the Animals who were going North when the Ice had gone, along the Eastern Coast, they settled for brief periods including at the mouth of a river Estuary, until they hit the North East Corner of the Island, where they found a better quality type of Flint. Here they stayed, and spread back South, and back across the Sea to the Mountainous area (Wales) where some of the tribe stayed.


Fast Forward 9,000 years and another group, similar to the first tribe, but different, settled on the East Coast of what is now England, and spread West, until they reached the boundaries of the Lands of the First Tribe, where they traded and raided as the mood took them. The first tribe were Native Britons, (Irish and Welsh and Picts), the second tribe were Celts from Gaul, and further Eastward in Europe. Due to certain facts both tribes were once one tribe, back in the mists of time, one part going East, one going West.


The Celts never settled in Ireland in anything like large numbers, only small family groups. This we can tell through the DNA of the Irish who live in the North West Corner Of Ireland, (Counties Derry, Donegal, Fermanagh, Sligo) where up to 96% of the population have the “Irish” Gene. So from this we know that the Irish settled and stayed, and have never left.

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