About Me   4 comments

About time I did this beings as there is no longer much point because the one who did not know about this now knows, so here goes.

I am Dave Scallon, born 1970, Dyslectic, loner, not a social butterfly by any stretch of the imagination, Spent most of my time at the beach, just staring out to sea, because it was better than going home. Bullied to hell at home and school, which is why I have absolutely no tolerance for bullies. Should have died when I was 15 after being hit by 2 cars. Fell in love with a voice when I was 16, and also started to learn Kung Fu, purely because I was sick to the back teeth with being picked on.

1987 was a very important year for me, the family moved, I discovered Paganism, I found out about Heavy Metal and Heavy Rock Music, diagnosed with Manic Depression (bi-polar) and started suffering with my knees, which according to my GP was all in my head, turns out I have several types of Arthritis in my hands, knees and shoulders, including Gout. Shit happens.

Joined a dark Age Re-enactment group which I loved doing, but my Path did put me at odds with the Leader of the group and his wife, although the Mormon family accepted me without a problem. I portrayed a Native Briton and I was very anti Roman, and being as the group was Roman Based, this did not help matters. Moved Counties and stopped going.

Me, Living History, Native Briton

Me, Living History, Native Briton

Found out when I was 24 that I was a Bastard Son, he told me in our last argument, with so much enjoyment, I had not spoken to Mother since I was 7, but Mum did a grand job of trying to bring me up right, but She was working all hours god sent to keep food on the table and clothes on our backs, and Mum is the only one who I still talk to, and Her Kids

I have been married for coming up 20 years, and I have a 25 year old Step-Daughter who is an Alternative Model, My wife Plays the Sims 3, the Kitten Pixie is mad, (ties in with the rest of the Family).

Fav bands include Judas Priest, AC/DC, Motorhead, Sweet, Uriah Heep, Naz, Bangles, Dio, Black Sabbath, most Blues, most Southern Rock and way to many to list.

Posted October 11, 2012 by davescallon

4 responses to “About Me

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  1. Thanks for the reblog on ‘Hedgewitchery~My Path’ and happy that you learnt something along the way. There is so much misconception around these days regarding witchcraft and especially hedgewitchcraft which has been around for a very long time. I was born into a pagan family and followed the only path that seemed right for me to follow, which was following in the footsteps of my mum and her mum before her, course I went off on tangents at certain times in my life but always was drawn back to my true calling.
    Once again my friend, thank you for visiting and appreciating!

  2. I think that you are the first 3rd generation Witch I have ever known, and I am happy to know you my friend. I think you were lucky to have it in your family heritage, which may make some envious. Did your mother and Grandmother teach you from an early age, field trips would have meant something different to you.

    Regards and respect


  3. I’m enjoying exploring your site – lots of interesting posts and information that I’m really enjoying reading. So sorry that life has dealt you so much hardship, although it sounds as though you are now very blessed. I believe Divinity loves the downtrodden – she takes her time, but she lifts us all up in the end 🙂 Blessings, Bia

    • Hey Bia, Thank you for having a good read, and some may be of use to you.

      Life is life, my life is better than some and worse than others, but the Gods direct me as they will, so I get on with it, you can not long for the past, for it has gone, but yes I do feel that the Gods have blessed me in some aspects of my life, and teaching me lessons in others.

      Thank you again,

      Walk in Faith and Balance

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